Motherhood - RamyaSadasivams Art Gallery


Close up video shot of the painting

Animals are the highest and the most noble form of living beings that you can ever come across. They are never a reason for holocaust, genocide, pollution, purifying ethnicity/race, mass murder or mass rape. They are devoid of all the harmful traits we human beings have. Of course they do fight/kill for land and women but that is the extent of their destruction.
Their only purpose on earth is procreation, which they do it with all heart. The love that is portrayed by the mother buffalo for her calf is a perfect example of their strong intention and respect for procreation. I so love animals 🙂 They live and they let others live, a beautiful trait that we homosapiens should learn from animals.
Medium: Oil painting on Canvas
Size: 20 * 16 Inches
Availability: Available
Year of Creation: 2018
Status: Stretched , Unframed
Shipment: Canvas roll in tube

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