River Shore - RamyaSadasivams Art Gallery

River Shore

Video shot of the painting

This is my painting ” River Shore ” 20 * 16 inches. I love to paint outdoor lighting. There are several kinds of lights such as morning, evening, afternoon and nocturnal light. These lights are quite very interesting to explore. It is very challenging. Here a woman is washing her clothes. Usually women from village that washes clothes do not use washing detergent or soap. They just rinse the clothes in plain water. I did a fairly neutral base and developed my colors on all the subjects be it the woman, her cloth, anda, the sand and the water. So this is the result of my experiment.So this is how the painting looks in broad day light. Thank you for your time
Medium: Oil painting on Canvas
Size: 20 * 16 Inches
Availability: Available
Year of Creation: 2019
Status: Stretched , Unframed
Shipment: Canvas roll in tube

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