The Redlight | Figurative paintings | RamyaSadasivam's Art Gallery

The Redlight

Video shot of the painting
This is my painting, Redlight, 36 * 24 inches, oil painting on substrate canvas, available for sale. This is a woman standing in front of the mirror, looking at herself at the mirror and wondering if she is beautiful enough to face the society, good enough to be accepted by the society. I wanted to make it more creative, so I wanted to paint my subject as if red light falling on her and I wanted to portray the effect of it.. This is an idea I got from one of my seniors, one of my inspirations. I wanted to make it as dramatic and also as realistic as possible. It was an experimental work and I like the way it turned out. So this is how the painting looks in broad day light.
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 8 * 10 Inches
Availability: Available
Year of Creation: 2019
Status: Stretched , Unframed
Shipment: Canvas roll in tube
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