Marching towards work - Realistic oil painting on canvas

Marching towards work

Video shot of the painting

India is an agricultural country. Before India became all globalised, we were not depending on anyone for food. Most of the houses had a lot of vegetation in front of their houses, and most of the vegetables for lunch and dinner were from their own vegetation. They had sufficient cattle and poultry for egg and meat. So the people of India were all self-sufficient food wise. Only after all the poultry and cattle-rearing were privatised, most people here became very dependent on the outside sources for food. This is one such scene of a family going to work which is agriculture. Most of the families in village include cows and I have heard in most cases, the cows are not discharged to meat vendors even after their milking period comes to an end.
So this is how the painting looks in broad day light. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact us.
Medium: Oil painting on Canvas
Size:  2 * 3 feet
Availability: Available
Year of Creation: 2019
Status: Unframed
Shipment: Canvas roll in tube

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